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The Festive Fatness Survival Guide

With Christmas just around the corner, temptations are everywhere. Hot tasty snacks and mulled wine at Christmas Markets, parties every other day, mince pies galore! It can be easy to get carried away.

That's not to say you shouldn't enjoy yourself but why binge just because it's a certain time of year? All them pies and alcohol will just drag you further away from next year's goals. Here are a few tips so that you can head into the New Year feeling fresh and ready to smash your health and fitness goals!

1. Make calculated indulgences

If you know theres a party coming up or a heavy feast ahead, get your ass out for a run. Head to the gym or get out on the bike. Even just go for a long wintery walk. By burning some calories earlier in the day, you'll minimise some of the damage when the booze and food pitches up!

2. Be selective

There's a lot of events on around this time of year. You might want to go to them all but I'd advise against it, unless you have solid willpower and can eat clean whilst avoiding the bar! Most people can't and if this is you, just select one or two parties that you'd really like to go to.

3. Follow a training plan

By sticking to a plan throughout December, you'll be much more likely to get off the couch and do the work. Watching Christmas movies and eating from advent calenders doesn't burn much energy so it's even more important to get at it!

At the end of the day (or at the end of the year!), it doesn't matter what everyone else is doing. What are you doing? What are YOUR goals? Following the crowd and giving into social pressures won't make you a winner, so remain focussed, enjoy the festive season and remember there are loads of ways to have fun without compromising your health!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year - 2020 let's do this!

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