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Travel Tips

Travel is becoming more and more popular and this is a great thing!

Worldwide travel is so simple and it’s only getting better! Unless you have a reason not to travel, you should make the most of these times that we live in! Experiencing other cultures, seeing amazing places, trying different food - it'd be a shame not to travel!

With travel in mind, I thought I'd share 5 tips on travelling whilst maintaining optimal health. By following these simple tips, you'll be able to stay on track with your health and fitness goals, and you'll feel better too!

1. Plan your meals

Don't settle for some junk food at a service station, seek out the healthier options. Plan this in advance or prepare meals if possible. I often choose to only stop at services where I know I can get a healthy option. If there are none en-route, I will prepare my own food for the journey.

2. Move often

Sitting still for extended periods, whether it be in a car, plane or whatever mode of transport you choose, is not healthy. Choose the aisle seat on a plane. This way you can get up and walk around frequently without disturbing others. Plan regular stops in the car.

Make sure that when you do stop, you get up and move! There’s not much benefit in stopping to get up and sit down again for 30 minutes eating lunch. Try to go for a walk or even a run if you feel up to it! You may arrive a little later by doing this, but you'll feel a LOT better. A good stretching routine upon arrival is always a good idea too!

3. Pack wisely

Pack your gym gear. Pack enough workout clothes to last the trip (unless you know there are laundry services available), running trainers and whatever else you need to stay on track with your fitness.

Also consider packing useful equipment such as a foam roller (or other recovery tools), bands, training journals, supplements, etc.

4. Plan accordingly

Try to book a hotel with a gym or seek out one that has a local gym nearby. Failing that, hotel workouts can be effective if you use your imagination. Google hotel room workouts and you’ll find some interesting routines! Going for a run is also a good option in most locations. Many cities now have bicycles for hire too. Also, ask if your hotel has a fridge if necessary to store those healthy snacks!

5. Sleep well

Don't settle for a noisy hotel room. Ask to move if there is a problem with noise. Also, a good

eye mask and earplugs are a very wise investment!

Travelling is amazing. We live in a time where it would be a shame not to travel. There are so many amazing places in the world and we should make every effort to visit them. By following these simple, practical tips, you can travel frequently and stay on track with your health and fitness goals!

Happy travels!


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