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Stop Changing Fitness Programmes

Do you ever wonder why you seem to try it all but still get mediocre results? You follow all the latest advice and try out the best fitness plans but nothing really seems to work? Well my friend, prepare to be enlightened...

Why Do People Keep Changing Fitness Programmes?

1. Lack of Patience

This is the number one reason that people 'programme hop'. In order for anything to work, it must be given adequate time. Sure, there are some radical ways to transform the human body, however this requires warrior like intensity, the strictest of discipline and a considerable amount of expert guidance.

2. Inconsistency

Consistency is key. Everything in life is better with consistence. Workouts are better, diets are better, cake batter is better.

A lot of people start a new fitness regime and last around two weeks, then they give up. They usually have an excuse or two in an attempt to justify their complacency. A couple of weeks go by and they try something new, then give up again. Don't fall into this trap. Be disciplined. Like a samurai warrior. Only then will you achieve success.

3. Because They Are Stupid

No explanation is necessary here.

Why is 'Programme Hopping' a Problem?

1. The Inability to Accurately Track Progress

80% of people like to try out new workouts and the latest programmes as they are released or trending. This is a hell of a lot better than not doing anything but jumping on this bandwagon doesn't allow you to accurately track progress.

How do you know if something actually works when you keep changing things around? Unless you are completing a radical bodily transformation (this is not easy), then give your programme a minimum of 12 weeks to measure progress. If you are seeing results, stick with it. When the results stop coming, it's time to change things up.

2. Lack of Progressive Overload

Now of course, doing exactly the same workout every day isn't a great idea, as your body will not adapt unless new stimulus is applied.

A method known as progressive overload is essential if you want optimal results. This is achieved by carrying out the same exercise each week or every few days (if you can recover in time), and then applying further intensity through the use of heavier weights or more reps and sets. As simple as it sounds, this works highly effectively.

3. Mastery is critical

If you are following a programme based around squats, you will get good at squats. If you follow a programme based around bicep curls and booty blasting glute bridges, you will get good at pumping your guns and will hopefully end up with a nice set of buns for the beach.

Imagine your goal was to get awesome at squats in one year.

Let's do some maths....

Squat workout 3x per week for 1 year = 156 squat workouts

Squat workout 1x per month for 1 year = 12 squat workouts

Who is going to be the better squatter?

Focus on your personal goals and target your workouts towards them. Become a master. Master you become.

Let's Talk About Compounding...

Human beings are unusual creatures. Some are more unusual than others. Usually, we are unusual.

We have come so far in terms of our evolution, yet most of us still fail to grasp the concept of the long-term effects as a result of our present actions.

Everything you do consistently in life has compounded effects over time! What the hell does this mean?

Albert Einstein called compounding "the greatest mathematical discovery of all time". This is simply because compounding can be applied to every single thing in your life, for good and for bad. Basically, if you consistently do something over a long period of time, you will inevitably get better at it with more experience. What you must be wary of, is that of which you are actually compounding. For example, if you smoke for a long period of time, your health will deteriorate the longer that you continue to do so. If you continually exercise (sensibly) over time, you will get fitter and healthier.

Let me get to the point here...

Most of us think in the here and now. We make decisions on a daily basis without giving too much consideration for the long-term effects they may have. Being patient is critical.

For example, imagine you knew that spending just five minutes every single day on a particular task, done consistently over a period of ten years, would result in you becoming a millionaire. It is highly likely that you would endeavour to find those five minutes every single damn day!

On the flip-side, if you knew that by spending several hours each day sitting with poor posture would result in you suffering from excruciating daily back pain and obesity, it is highly likely you would make an effort to move more. (Hint, hint...)

Think about every single action you take!!!

Try to visualise how your decisions will affect you in the future. Look after yourself. Don't be stupid...

If you've read this far, well done, I applaud you. Here is a gift; compound your investments. This is one of the places I learnt about compounding in the financial world. Read or listen to either or both of these books by Tony Robbins;



Money - Master the Game.

Don't be scared of it. Face fear. Thank me and Tony when you're a millionaire in 20 years.

This All Makes Sense. But Which Programme To Follow?

A BusyFitness one of course! Just kidding haha. Any programme will work if you make it. Adapt it to YOU. Everybody has different genetics, muscle insertion points, joint strength, etc. Some exercises fair well with some, but not with others. Listen to your body and experiment to discover what works for you.

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