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the simple full body workout plan

Sometimes the best fitness programmes are simple, like this one.  The following plan consists of two simple but effective full body workouts.  Alternate between the two workouts as you see fit.  Mix things up by using dumbbells or bars but stick to the core exercises as they are highly effective for muscle building and fat burning. 


Ensure that you have at least one full active rest day between workouts and remember to listen to your body - take more rest if you need it.  On these active rest days complete 30 mins to 1 hour of activity that raises your heart rate.  Some light cardio or sports are ideal.  Stretching, foam rolling, massage and other health

therapies are also great for recovery.


Each workout should take about 1 hour 

dependant upon rest times between sets and

workout tempo.  

Ensure you warm up sufficiently prior to the

workout with some light cardio and also warm

up with some light weights for each

individual exercise to ensure you perfect

the movement pattern.    

Each time you complete a workout, record the

weights lifted and reps completed. The next time

around, your challenge is to beat your previous effort - either add more weight or complete more reps.  This method ensures progressive overload, which is key for progress.  

This plan can be followed for as long as you

see progress.  If you plateau with the weights

and/or reps, take a week or so off, then get back to

it!  Or alternatively, try a new program.  Just make

sure you stick with this for a minimum of 6 weeks

to ensure you can gauge progress.  

Good luck and remember, keep busy - keep fit!

if you want personalised online coaching click below!!!
Workout a
workout b

This workout plan will produce awesome results if the effort is put in.  

If you would like to see even better results, try our online coaching.  You will receive customised workout plans and customised diet plans tailored to your specific goals. If you are interested click on the link below for more info!  

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